June 21st, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Isaiah 30:20



Click here to view the verse.

The Lord gave his people the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, but he promised to be with them, teach them, and guide them during hard times. God expects a lot from us, and many times following him can be painful; but he always acts out of his love for us. Next time you go through a difficult time, try to appreciate the experience and grow from it, learning what God wants to teach you. God may be showing you his love by patiently walking with you through adversity.

June 19th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

As all of you know, we had a UCF camp last holiday so here are some photos for you. All the campers had a whale of time throughout this four days three nights’ camp. We were so blessed to have Pastor David all the way from Acts Church KL as our camp speaker.

From this camp, we met new friends, sang good songs, played crazy games, but the most important of all was that we learnt more about God.


Of course here are only a few parts of what we had during the camp. If you missed this year’s UCF camp, join us next year! We guarantee that you WILL have loads of fun in the camp next year! You WILL love the camp! See you in the future UCF activities and God bless.

June 17th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Girls, it has been a while that we did not have meeting so please be noted that we are having a CF meeting this Friday (20/6). Come and enjoy the fellowship and see how God works mightily in our lives. Thank you, see you and God bless.

June 17th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Ecclesiastes 11:9-10

Click here to view the verses.

We often hear people say, “It doesn’t matter.” But many of your choices will be irreversible-they will stay with you for a lifetime. What you do when you’re young does matter. Enjoy life now, but don’t do anything physically, morally, or spiritually that will prevent you from enjoying life when you are old.

June 13th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Ecclesiastes 5:19-20

Click here to read the verses.

God wants us to view what we have (whether it is much or little) with the right perspective-our possessions are a gift from God. Although they are not the source of joy, they are a reason to rejoice because every good thing comes from God. We should focus more on the Giver than the gift. We can be content with what we have when we realize that with God, we have everything we need.

June 8th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Hey girls, sorry for the late post. Here are some reminders for you of UCF Camp 2014.

June 8th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Ecclesiastes 3:14

Put God first

Put God first

Click here to view the verse.

What is the purpose of life? It is that we should revere the all-powerful God. To revere God means to respect and stand in awe of him because of who he is. Purpose in life starts with whom we know, not what we know or how good we are. It is impossible to fulfill your God-given purpose unless you revere God and give him first place in your life.


June 4th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Proverbs 21:2

Click here to view the verse.

People can find an excuse for doing almost anything, but God looks behind the excuses to the motives of the heart. We often have to make choices in areas where the right action is difficult to discern. We can help ourselves make such decisions by trying to identify our motives first and then asking, “Would God be pleased with my real reasons for doing this?” God is not pleased when we do good deeds only to receive something in return.

June 4th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

5 days to camp

5 more days to the awesome-ness that is UCF Camp 2014!

The challenge is

~to come excited for what is planned out!

~to come ready to receive the blessings ahead!

~and to be fried up!

Challenge accepted?

Well, below is a list for you to refer to when you pack for camp.

List of things and stuffs you need to bring for camp:

~Enough appropriate clothes for 4 days which includes:
• Shirts/ T-shirts
• Jeans/ Pants
• Sweater/ Jacket
• Sleep Wear
• Slippers
• Sport shoes and socks
Please note that decent clothes are needed for games and activities. Preferably dark coloured clothes. Strictly NO SHORTS ABOVE KNEE LENGTH are allowed.


~The Bible (if you have any)


~Sunscreen/ Sunblock

~Pocket money (for emergency cases)

~SNACKS! (for supper)
~Personal medication/ Vitamins or Supplements

See you! 🙂

May 8th, 2014 by Christian Fellowship PCGHS

Please take note that there will not be any CF meeting until 20/6.

Thank you and God bless.