What? – Christian Fellowship

Who? – Believers and non-believers

When? – Friday. 11am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3pm

Where? – Beranda

Why? – To share the love of Christ

UCF? – United Christian Fellowship. Combined CF from various schools.

2015 focus: God’s love that is OUT OF THIS WORLD

Theme verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


In Acts 2:42 we read that one of the four things the early church devoted itself to was “fellowship.” Fellowship was a very important part of their reason for meeting together. It was one of their objectives. But what is fellowship?

We often hear people talking about fellowship. We hear it said that what we need is more fellowship. But our modern ideas of fellowship have become so watered down that the word no longer carries the same meaning it did in New Testament times.

We are not surprised that the early church devoted itself to “the apostles’ teaching” and also “to prayer.” Apart from the ministry of the Holy Spirit, these are the two most important means of growth, power, and effectiveness in the Christian life and this is everywhere evident in the rest of Scripture.

But Luke tells us these early Christians also devoted themselves to fellowship. They just did not have fellowship; they devoted themselves to it. This means that fellowship was a priority and one of the objectives for gathering together. They made fellowship a priority.

True Christian fellowship is a wonderful blessing, but as with all of God’s blessings, it is incumbent upon us to remain faithful. Only then will we be able to share in God’s fellowship throughout eternity.